Cuaderno, Volume 1, Issue 1

Cover art for Nombrando la Muerte

Nombrando la Muerte, Volume 1, Issue 1.

The year 2020 has been one completely defined by COVID-19, a global pandemic that has often been compared to the 1918 ‘Spanish’ Flu. In the summer of 2020, as part of the Manitos Community Memory Project, focused on building a community based archive, we decided to collect stories about the 1918 ‘Spanish’ Flu epidemic and COVID-19. This cuaderno holds one set of those stories.

Cuaderno, Volume 1, Issue 2

cover art for Narrating Death

Narrating Death, Volume 1, Issue 2.

The year 2020 has been one completely defined by COVID-19, a global pandemic that has often been compared to the 1918 ‘Spanish’ Flu. In the summer of 2020, as part of the Manitos Community Memory Project, focused on building a community based archive, we decided to collect stories about the 1918 ‘Spanish’ Flu epidemic and COVID-19. This cuaderno holds one set of those stories. 

Cuaderno, Volume 1, Issue 3

cover art La Curandera cuaderno

La Curandera, Volume 1, Issue 3.

The year 2020 has been one completely defined by COVID-19, a global pandemic that has often been compared to the 1918 ‘Spanish’ Flu. In the summer of 2020, as part of the Manitos Community Memory Project, focused on building a community based archive, we decided to collect stories about the 1918 ‘Spanish’ Flu epidemic and COVID-19.
This cuaderno holds one set of those stories.

Blank Cuaderno

Cover for blank cuaderno

Blank Cuaderno . In the summer of 2020, as part of the Manitos Community Memory Project, we decided to collect stories about the 1918 ‘Spanish’ Flu epidemic and COVID-19. This cuaderno is intentionally left blank.

Bradbury Science Museum, Meet Tubie!

As part of her internship with the Bradbury Science Museum, Cultural Technology intern Gabriella Smith, created an animated character to help explain complex supercomputing concepts to museum visitors. Tubie is included in touchscreen panels as part of the updated Supercomputing Exhibit at the Bradbury Science Museum.

Las Cruces Museum of Nature and Science

Johnny Alvarez
Las Cruces Museum of Nature and Science

exhibit signage